Useful Info – Carnival
Home / Useful Info / Carnival Day
Dates & Times
The latest info on the date, and start time.
Detailed directions for those travelling in.
Useful tips on where to park your vehicle when you visit.
Support the Watchet Community by becoming a Carnival Helper.
Carnival Date/Time
Watchet Carnival Facebook Page also contains all the info you should need.
We want EVERYONE to be a part of our annual community weekend celebration, making it an even better special amazingly fun and entertaining time; the more involvement and participation > the greater the vibrant atmosphere, fun and enjoyment.
Come on, join in, make it a spectacular community celebration and a fun-tastic weekend.
All welcome to dress in fancy dress – “OPEN” theme. Together we can make the day even better.

The town of Watchet lies on the Somerset Coast along the Bristol Channel between Minehead and Bridgwater Bay.
When you visit Watchet to attend the carnival, please take time to look around this ancient port which dates back well over a thousand years. Twice invaded by the Vikings, some say that has given Watchet its feisty spirit!
By Road
Watchet is easy to find located 2 miles off the main A39 Bridgwater to Minehead road. Located 18 Miles from Bridgwater, 20 miles from Taunton and 8 miles from Minehead. (If travelling on the A39 from the Bridgwater direction please be cautious and patient on this road as it has many twists and nasty bends to contend with, which through time perhaps we should put the blame on the Romans as they never seemed to have constructed many straight roads in West Somerset when they conquered England – could this have been because of the discovery of Somerset cider.
If travelling from the north leave the M5 at Junction 23 or 24 and follow the signs for Minehead until you reach the town of Williton and follow the signs for Watchet.If travelling from the south leave the M5 at Junction 25 or 26 and follow the signs for Minehead taking the A358 until you reach Williton and follow the signs for Watchet.
By Train
Take the train to Taunton station. You will need to change to either car or bus to make the final leg to Watchet.
Station address: Station Approach, Taunton, Somerset TA1 1QP
By Bus
For those choosing to use public transport, the First Buses No: 28 Bus runs an excellent service from Minehead and Taunton.
If travelling to the Carnival by bus, please take particular note of your last service bus departure time.
By Sea
Tidal access twice a day. Mooring berths available by enquiry to Watchet Harbour Marina.
Watchet has a 200 berth marina, and each year sees visitors attend the Carnival arriving by boat.

Remember, the success of Watchet Carnival depends on community input. If you’d like to help, and be a part of the Carnival team, then please contact us, and we’ll get back to you.
If you can spare a few hours to help out at an event, run a stall or sell raffle tickets?
Thank you to everyone that can make this year as successful as last year!

Somerset Council is the responsible authority for car parks and parking.
West Somerset area car parks charges apply from 9am to 6pm daily including Bank Holidays. Your pay and display ticket must be clearly displayed in the front windscreen of your vehicle.
Harbour Road, Car Park (TA23 0ET) is located close to the marina and town centre. From there you can walk to Watchet Memorial Ground by crossing the pedestrian rail crossing to Goviers Lane (path to Memorial Ground is first left up some steps or continue to the top of Goviers Lane and take the first left signposted Memorial Ground/High Bank).
Market Street Car Park (TA23 0AP)
Anchor Street Car Park (TA23 0AZ)
Swain Street Car Park (TA23 0AQ)
West Street Pier Car Park (TA23 0AW)